Proof Books

Proof books are a great way to keep every image from your session and they are a great value! On average each proof book will have 40-60 images from your session. The pictures are given a classy black or white border to frame out the picture and are spiral bound. There is a clear plastic cover on the front and a black one on the back to protect your images.

Additional proof books may be ordered for family and friends.

  • 5×7 $150 ($1200 value if purchased individually)






At this time I do not put a proof mark on each picture in the proof books. I ask that you please respect the work and time that goes into making beautiful portraits for you by not illegally reproducing the images in any way.
It is important for me to communicate the ethical aspects of photography. I am sure you can appreciate the fact that your images are custom designed for you; therefore, a great deal of time, attention to detail, and thought goes into creating them. The photographer retains the creative rights to all photos unless otherwise stated in writing. For this reason, unless written permission is provided by the photographer, it is illegal to reproduce these photos. Reproduction would include: scanning or creating screen shots of them and posting them on the internet, using them for cards and announcements, or commercially selling them for your own profit. You can buy digital files that can be reproduced to certain sizes but please be respectful of the federal copyright ownership laws. You may purchase individual low resolution files for web use on social sites, they will have my logo on them and you may not crop out the logo when posting the pictures online. You can find a copy of these laws and legal procedures online at